- Please double-check that you put your correct delivery address. We are not responsible for any wrong or incomplete addresses if entered by you.
- For any sizing help, please contact us before placing an order.
- All orders are packaged and shipped from our central location in Lahore, Pakistan.
- All the orders are shipped by DHL or Pakistan Post based on your available shipping options on the site. Please allow 7 to 10 business days from the date.
- For international shipping, you handle any import duties and taxes imposed by your country.
- If an item runs out of stock before your order is processed, within 2-3 business days, your money will be back to your credit card or PayPal account.
- Islamic mart may have to verify payment and order details before processing your order. If we contact you for verification, we kindly ask our customers to reply to us as soon as possible to ensure a fast and smooth process.
- Please note that the expected delivery time comprises order processing time and shipping time.
- After receiving your order, we inspect the item and conduct Quality Control checks to ensure the product’s quality before shipment. The processing time varies depending on the specific product. The average time is approximately 2-7 business days. However, it can also be affected by the item’s stock status. We try our best to process your orders at our end within 2-3 working days.
- Once processed, the shipping company manages the postage of your order according to their standard procedures. Expediting the standard shipping process is not in our control.
- All estimated/typical delivery times are derived from real-world data collected from past orders. They are approximate times for reference only.
- If you haven’t received your package within 5 to 7 working days after the estimates provided, please refer to any of the reasons below.
- If none of these reasons apply to you, please get in touch with us. You could email us at contact@islamicmart.com.pk.
- Shipping time will be affected during public holidays; manufacturers and couriers will limit their operations at these times. It is outside our control. Regular days of service resumes immediately after each holiday.
- It can take a few days following order shipment before the Tracking number becomes active on the courier’s system. If the information has not appeared on the courier’s website, please try again later.
- Because of longer customs clearance times for some countries, standard shipping times may take a while at different locations and destinations. Please refer to the general times for international postage and courier services in your area.
- If you change your mind about the item, please do not refuse to accept the delivery. Instead, receive the order and then call or contact us.
Order Processing Time
2-3 days for delivering the item.
Same day delivery by our staff (cash on delivery available)*
Nationwide and all over Pakistan cities
Same day dispatch from Lahore Office, next day delivery by our staff (cash on delivery available on selected items, usually items less than 5KG)*
International Shipping
8-9 days dispatch from Pakistan by our staff.
Please open and check the product in front of courier staff. Islamic Mart will not take any responsibility if the package is empty/damaged afterward.
We only deliver via LCS and MNP. However, in remote areas where LCS and MNP cannot deliver, thus we use other services or larger shipments made by alternate couriers.
*It might take 1-5 business days to reach shipment depending on the size and weight of the product. Usually, items heavier than 5KG’s take more days. For Pakistani customers, some items are not on COD.